Friday, December 20, 2019

Comparing The Matrix With Readings From Plato And Descartes

Comparing and contrasting The Matrix with readings from Plato and Descartes This essay will discuss The Matrix, from synopsis of the following; The Republic by Plato, depicting the famous cave allegory, and Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes, offering doubt that some senses are accurate. By examining these two readings, and the movie, it will allow the author to show some comparisons, and to show how they are also different as this essay indicates the world is very real. The Matrix In The Matrix, Neo realizes his world is in reality a computer generated world, in which people only live simulated lives, evident of being unreal. The movie portrays the world as ersatz, it is a venue that allows people to live a seeming normal life, but in reality they do not. This is very much how prisoners of the Allegory of the Cave reason the shadows they see are real. By believing this, the prisoners of the Allegory of the Cave, and people living in the Matrix, are living an illusion of the mind. An acknowledgement by Descartes is that â€Å"to continue this way is impossible, and it is not a realistic way to live† (Descartes, 1641). Neo is quite sad, not accepting the Matrix as reality, and not accepting the Morpheus allegation of being real. The world of Neo is scary, especially when Neo realizes a large portion of the people living in the Matrix will not acknowledge the truth of the Matrix. Some people even wish to remain in this state, knowing doing so will beShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix Essay899 Words   |  4 PagesCompare and Contrast The Matrix with the readings from Plato and Descartes. What are some similarities and differences? An Essay Submitted to Jason Elvis BY Williestine Harriel Liberty University online September 24, 2012 Compare and Contrast The Matrix with the readings from Plato and Descartes. What are some similarities and differences? After reading The Matrix, and reading from Plato and Descartes, I find that there are some similarities and differencesRead More Levinas vis-à  -vis the Other Essay2752 Words   |  12 PagesLevinas vis-à  -vis the Other Philosophy, arising from its Greek tradition of a â€Å"love of wisdom†, seeks to critically examine those questions most fundamental to humankind; it is concerned with essential concepts (or rather, questions) of being (metaphysics), rightness and goodness, knowledge, truth and beauty. As a branch of metaphysics, ontology seeks, in particular, to understand the nature of being (or existence) by placing objects within categories and organized totalities, while always assuming

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